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Monthly Archives: April 2024

How much energy does a person of each age need?

How much energy does a person of each age need?

Food is considered an important factor in life. But sometimes if you eat too much it will make you fat. Or if you eat too little, it will make you hungry again between meals. Therefore, people must eat in accordance with the needs of the

Danger from "tooth decay", don't let it go, it is life threatening.

Danger from “tooth decay”, don’t let it go, it is life threatening.

Department of Medical Services by the Dental Institute warns!  Leaving tooth decay untreated May have severe infection, inflammation, and pus, affecting important organs such as the eyes, throat, sinus cavity, and brain. Risk of infection spreading to the respiratory system. Dr. Somsak Akkasin, Director-General of the Department

Mushrooms and 6 amazing benefits that you may not have known before.

Mushrooms and 6 amazing benefits that you may not have known before.

Many countries around the world have used  mushrooms to make food and medicine since ancient times. Until now, mushrooms are an industry worth billions of dollars. Each year, 900 pounds of mushrooms are grown. The country with the largest cultivation of mushrooms is China. It doesn’t matter how you