A weight loss trend that many people are starting to pay attention to is inevitable, Intermittent Fasting , or what we call it for short, is doing IF, which is eating and abstaining from food for a period of time. With a time to choose from many formats. But the most popular is the 16:8 formula, which is able to eat within 8 hours and the remaining 16 hours to abstain from all energy-producing foods. to allow the body to pull out the accumulated energy

Mechanism of body work when we do Intermittent Fasting
when we eat especially white flour digested white rice and quickly converts to sugar will become energy for the body If we eat more starch than we use. This UFABET energy in the form of sugar is stored in the body as an energy reserve through the action of insulin. which will become fat cells that are attached under the skin layer or different parts of the body
Fasting during intermittent fasting is when we allow our body to use stored energy instead of receiving energy from food as we normally do. If we reduce our consumption of starch and sugar, insulin will also be low. And this is the main principle of losing weight. Our weight decreases when our body’s insulin is low. that we fast for a certain period of time It causes the amount of insulin in the body to decrease during a period of time that our body pulls out the stored fat that was previously used.
Tips for Intermittent Fasting to “lose weight” effectively
Although theoretical fasting sounds simple, But in practice, many people who have tried it may think that it is difficult. Because long periods of starvation can make you hungry and unbearable. But if you follow these tips during your IF, it will help you see the results more clearly.
- when it’s time to eat Should reduce eating white rice, white flour, white sugar, but accept natural sugars such as fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, low-fat protein. and good fats instead
- avoid eating sweets or snacks between meals and all day long
- Eager to do activities throughout the day, not sedentary, such as walking, running, going up and down the stairs, etc.
- Choose a time when you can eat during the day, for example, eat during 7:00-15:00 or 10:00-18:00, refrain from eating at night or before going to bed.
- If you’re really hungry, choose foods that don’t give you energy. Or give very low energy, such as water, black coffee, etc.